Monday 17 October 2011

Performance of a computer system

The hard drive or hard disk is the part of the computer that allows the user to store their data/software/etc. the hard dive of the computer can affect the overall performance of the PC as the bigger the hard drive the more you will be able to store on the computer, also if the hard drive on a computer is full the computer will tend to run slower.

 Graphics Card 
The graphics card is the part of the computer that is in control of  rendering the on screen image that will be displayed on the PC's screen. A graphics card can effect the over performance of the PC as if it is outdated or is not fit for the intended purpose, it can cause the on screen graphics that you have loaded to run at a slower rate and this can also cause lag time in the PC's controls.

The processor or CPU is the brain of the computer it controls everything that goes on inside your computer. The type and size of the processor in your computer can affect the overall performance of your computer as a faster processor will let your computer function faster and more effectively than a smaller one. 

Random access memory, or RAM, is a type of memory used in
computers that can access data in any order. RAM stores data for
programs and processes that are running on a computer in order to
make the data easily accessible, allowing the program to run and be
accessed quickly.
Ram can affect the performance of as having less or outdated ram can
make the computer run at a lower speed and make loading time’s
increase, but by adding up to date and more ram chips can increase the
computers overall performance and speed.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Hardware Components For Digital Graphics

There are various hardware componenets that can be used to create and manipulate digital graphics. I will noew describe these componenets

A mouse is a electronic device that controls the movements of the courser on the computer screen as you move it around.In digital graphics a mouse is used to move and manipulate images, select options, etc on screen.

A screen/monitor is used for displaying the on screen aspects of the of the computer, depending of the quality of the screen it may give a less clear or more clear image.
In digital graphics it is used to view on screen graphics , or to view graphics that have been stored on an other device.

Digital Camera
A digital camera is used for taking pictures of almost anything, after the picture has been taken it can be stored on the camera and be manipulated by the camera options provided on some cameras, also they can be upload form the camera on to the computer to be stored and or manipulated through computer programmes.
In digital graphics a digital camera is used to acquire images that can be uploaded on to a computer and manipulated through digital graphic programmes.

A scanner is an other method of getting images on to a computer by selecting an image that you want to put on to your computer, opening the scanner and putting it in and then selecting the scan function on the scanner.
In digital graphics a scanner is used to get images on to the computer for use in digital graphics software for editing. 

 USB Storage
 A USB storage drive is used in order to save and store documents, images, etc for later use, back up copy, or to move the documents form one pc to another. In digital graphic a USB storage stick can be used in order to store graphic’s related documents, or to take a document form one computer to another.

Flash Cards
A flash card is a mini storage device that uses flash memory, the storage capacity can range anywhere from 8 megabits to several gigabits. In digital graphics flash cards are used in most digital camera’s as the only or additional memory on top of the camera’s built in memory.

Graphics tablet  
A graphics tablet is a device that takes over the function of the mouse and allows for precise movements of thecursor.
In digital graphics a grpahic tablet can be used for by grpahic designers in order to draw images to a precise level of detail that could not be achived by a mouse for editing in software such as photoshop. It can also be used by graphic designer’s to create image’s to edit and animate.

A printer a piece of hardware that is used to print out images from a computer, camera, flash card, etc.
In digital graphic’s a printer can be used to produce high quality images that have high levels of detail and resolution.